#1 ReStructure 2.0 Webinar Series

      New soil-structure interaction frontiers in seismic areas Subscription form  Abstract: Standard seismic design of retaining structures in Europe is based on a century-old theory, that does not account for the actual physical behavior of soil-structure systems. This theory unrealistically assumes that the seismic earth pressure increment is proportional to surface acceleration. Methods […]

#2 ReStructure 2.0 Webinar Series

      Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction on Ground Failure Subscription form  To connect to the webinar click here Abstract: Ground failure due to liquefaction and/or cyclic softening is generally performed for free-field conditions due to vertically propagating shear waves. Shear stresses on horizontal and vertical planes are therefore utilized to characterize demands. However, stress […]

ReStructure 2.0 Webinar Series #3

      Seismic Earth Pressures on Retaining Walls based on SSI Principles Subscription form  Abstract: During earthquake ground shaking, earth pressures on retaining structures can cyclically increase and decrease as a result of inertial forces applied to the walls and kinematic interactions between stiff wall elements and surrounding soil. The current state of practice […]

ReStructure 2.0 Special Event: Project overview & Seminar

Connect to the event -15:00 Apertura dei lavori   -15:05 “Alcune buone ragioni per Applicare per una European Individual Fellowship all’UniCal” Prof. Francesco Valentini, Coordinatore della Commissione Ricerca e Terza Missione del Senato   Accademico eResponsabile del Progetto "UniCal longs 4 Excellence"   -15:15 "Il ruolo della geotecnica nell'ingegneria civile" Prof. Roberto Gaudio, Direttore del […]

ReStructure 2.0 Webinar Series #4

Aula Caldora - University of Calabria Via Alberto Savinio, Arcavacata, Rende, CS

      Urban-scale seismic risk assessment: (how) does it change if we include SSI and site amplification effects? Subscription form  Abstract: Seismic risk assessment is still performed at an urban scale assuming all structures and the man-made environment are fixed on the soil. Intuitively, one could argue that this is the case if only […]

ReStructure 2.0 Webinar Series #5

Aula Caldora - University of Calabria Via Alberto Savinio, Arcavacata, Rende, CS

      The influence of soil-foundation-structure interaction on the seismic performance of masonry buildings Subscription form  Abstract: Most of the damage and of the casualties induced even by the most recent strong-motion earthquakes which stroke Central and Southern Italy can be attributed to the extreme seismic vulnerability of the ordinary residential buildings. Both in […]

ReStructure 2.0 Webinar Series #6

Sala Stampa (AULA MAGNA) - University of Calabria SALA STAMPA - aula magna, Arcavacata, CS

      Foundation Performance of Millennium Tower In San Francisco, California Subscription form  Abstract: The Millennium Tower is a 58-story reinforced concrete building that was constructed in San Francisco, California between 2005 and 2009. The Tower is founded on an embedded pile-supported mat with pile tips bearing in dense marine deposits that overlie an […]

Senatrice a Vita Prof.ssa Elena Cattaneo – Lectio Magistralis

Aula Magna " B. Andreatta" - University of Calabria Contrada Molicelle, Arcavacata, CS

  Modulo di iscrizione L'avventura della conoscenza: la ricerca da fare e da raccontare Il 7 Ottobre 2022 alle ore 10:00 la Senatrice a Vita, Professoressa Elena Cattaneo ci onorerà della sua presenza all’Università della Calabria e terrà presso l'Aula Magna dell'Unical una Lectio Magistralis dal titolo" L'avventura della conoscenza: la ricerca da fare e […]

ReStructure 2.0 Webinar Series #7

      TOWARDS NONLINEAR DYNAMIC ANALYSES OF BIO-CEMENTED GEOSYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS IN LIQUEFACTION MITIGATION Subscription form  Abstract: Earthquake-induced soil liquefaction has repeatedly been the cause of extensive infrastructure damage documented over multiple earthquake events across the world. Research developments have ranged from focusing on the fundamental understanding of the liquefaction phenomenon, to experimentally and […]

ReStructure 2.0 Webinar Series #8

Sala Stampa (AULA MAGNA) - University of Calabria SALA STAMPA - aula magna, Arcavacata, CS

      SUPERCOMPUTING RESOURCES: THE NEW HORIZON OF THE TEXAS ADVANCED COMPUTING CENTER Subscription form  Abstract: For nearly 15 years the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin has been deploying the most powerful supercomputers for open academic research funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Throughout this time, […]

ReStructure 2.0 Webinar Series #9

Sala Stampa (AULA MAGNA) - University of Calabria SALA STAMPA - aula magna, Arcavacata, CS

      NON-LINEAR METHODS TO ACCOUNT FOR SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION IN THE SEISMIC DESIGN OF BRIDGES Subscription form  Abstract: Modern approaches to the design of earthquake-resistant structures tend to exploit the non-linear response of constructions in order to ensure a satisfactory performance even in the occasion of very severe seismic events. Because soil is an […]

ReStructure 2.0 Webinar Series #10

Sala Stampa (AULA MAGNA) - University of Calabria SALA STAMPA - aula magna, Arcavacata, CS

      SEISMIC RISK ASSESSMENT FOR EARTH SLOPES AND DAMS Subscription form  Abstract: Seismic risk assessments for earth slopes and dams are based on evaluating the permanent displacements induced by earthquake shaking and more recently probabilistic approaches have been proposed to incorporate uncertainties into the analysis.  This presentation will describe newly developed predictive models […]